3 results

A three day in-house CEPA Data Portal training is currently underway in CEPA’s office in Port Moresby from 26th-28th of October. The participants were briefed about the importance of data storage and usage. An analysis was done by the Inform Project Team indicates that a total 29,414 users have accessed the CEPA Environment Data Portal since its inception, between 2018 and 2020. Out of 41,190 sessions, 29,907 users are new users, with 18,173 users (61%) from PNG alone.

Waste on the beach in Papua New Guinea. Photo Credit: Anthony Talouli/SPREP

The Papua New Guinea Government plans to stop the single use of biodegradable plastic shopping bags by 2019, following the ban’s announcement this April.

Hon. John Pundari, Minister of Environment, Conservation and Climate Change, announced the ban, which follows unsatisfactory adherence to a similar one on non-biodegradable plastic bags in 2014.

^Varirata National Park is PNGs first protected area, declared in 1969 (©Biatus Bito).

Customary landowners, custodians of 97% of land in PNG, recognise many areas of land and sea as “tambu” – areas of special spiritual significance. Customary landownership is therefore integral to PNGs 2.1 million hectares in its 59 protected areas. Protected areas sustain livelihoods, help maintain culture, provide tourism opportunities, store carbon, and protect biodiversity.