831 results
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Consists of environmental assessments for PNG's National Fisheries Authority. Environmental Assessments were prepared by the Project Implementation Unit of NFA’s Coastal Fisheries Management and Development Project

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

This report presents the latest update on the state of
environment in PNG. Although some information is scarce,
the report provides a snapshot of our environment, given
the diverse pressures and threats we are facing from both
natural and anthropogenic causes. The SoE report uses a reporting model to describe
the state of environment in PNG. It identifies driving
forces and pressures that result in the current state of
environment, and suggests a potential response strategy.
Recommendations are presented for future legislative or
other actions

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
 PNG Eco-Custodian Advocates (ECA)

This was as part of the BRCC, Building Resilience to Climate Change in PNG, ADB funded program on
Food Security. This work took us to the rarely visited preselected islands of the Luzancays; Kawa
and Konia, the villages of Keileuna Island and Lalela village of Kitava Island. As getting to these places is
a full days dinghy travel from Alotau on an open 23’ fibreglass banana boat with a 40HP engine hanging
off the back, the calmer the weather the better.

 PNG Eco-Custodian Advocates (ECA)

ECA at long last made it to the distant Lousiade Archipelago to learn from the several
hivi (gwala) that had been placed there. The Hon. Bernard Jack who made a smartphone recording
MPA of a hivi being placed on the Panahubo Reef (ECA Newsletter 8) formally invited us as President of the
Yeleyamba Local Level Government area to make this visit many years ago. Finally with the USAID
Lukautim Graun program support we were able to achieve this.

 PNG Eco-Custodian Advocates (ECA)

The idea of gwala, bubuli of the header picture). Fishing is still allowed in the has been applied in waters out from the reef drop off, but not allowed Sewa Bay in the past however this was not really within the bubuli that follows the fringing reefs along applied. A recent unfortunate event though where a the shore. young man from Goodenough drowned whilst sperfishing in the bay led to a customary bubuli being Throughout the communities of Milne Bay
put in place, the water becoming contaminated by his death and in preparation for a feast to break the period

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Consists of Initial Environmental Examinations, Impact Assessments including Environmental Management Plans related to Oil projects in Papua New Guinea

 PNG Eco-Custodian Advocates (ECA)

Letter From the Director Welcome to this our seventeenth ECA newsletter for Eco Custodian Advocates. We finished the year with a lot of travelling around the province. To the north-west corner of the Lusancays and to the south-west corner of Kololona and the sunken barrier reef, some 1200km in an open 23’ dinghy on these two voyages alone. The articles in this Newsletter are a mix of gwala customary closure and fishing, whilst raising the issue of fishing rights and the area of this jurisdiction based on custom and formal governance.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Consists of reviews, briefs, discussion papers and case studies of the Ramu Nickel Mining Project and the impacts of Astrolabe Bay's Submarine Tailings Discharge on the Madang province in PNG

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Ramu Nickel Project Environmental Plan consists of a Guide to the Environmental Plan and three volumes; Volumes A to C. Volume A is an Executive Summary of the Environmental Plan, Volume B consists of the Main Report and Volume C is the Appendices.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Essays and research papers on Gender and Gender related issues in PNG

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Highlights the urgent, unmet medical and emotional needs of survivors of family and sexual violence in Papua New Guinea and recommends concrete action in order to meet these needs.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

This dataset has an article on plastics that make their way into the ocean and data on plastics and other waste in the Pacific Island region.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity is an international agreement which aims to ensure the safe handling, transport and use of living modified organisms (LMOs) resulting from modern biotechnology that may have adverse effects on biological diversity, taking also into account risks to human health.

Papua New Guinea is a party to the Cartagena Protocol and this is the first national report on the country's implementation of the protocol.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The New Guinea Challenge - Development and Conservation in Societies of Great Cultural and Biological diversity

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

1995: The environment constraints map was produced by CSIRO and added as extra layer under the PNGRIS Project after much discussion and debate to address the issue of forest and environment sustainability. Other layers such water control districts, national parks, wildlife management areas and conservation needs assessment were used as flagged as part of the environmental planning and approval process.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority,  PNG Forestry Authority

1996-2000: The PNG Forestry Authority (PNGFA) with support from CSIRO developed the Forest Inventory Mapping (FIM) System to specifically map forest and vegetation types using forest mapping units or boundaries (or FMU) derived from aerial photography in 1973-4 at 1:100,000 scale and other relevant map overlays.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

A Milestone Report for Department of the Environment (November 2017)

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

A Final Report for Department of the Environment and Energy (October 2017)