Ozon Depletion substances in PNG
Conservation needs asessment for PNG
Ramsar National Report to COP 13
This report describes some of the challenges for biodiversity planning arise from a study in Papua New Guinea, but apply equally to biodiversity planning in general. These are;
* the best use of available data for providing biodiversity surrogate information
* the integration of representatives and persistence goals into the area prioritization process
* implications for the implementation of a conservation plan over time.
UNCCD National Report for Papua New Guinea
Management Plan for Kuk World Heritage Site
Human Adaptation and Plant Use in Highland New Guinea 49,000 to 44,000 Years Ago
Papua New Guinea (PNG) is committed to the establishment of a network of protected areas to fulfil national and international commitments.
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund: Ecosystem Profile East Melanesian Islands Biodiversity Hotspot
WWF PNG Ecoregions
A Basic Education For All (EFA) is critical if all citizens are to participate in a modern society. This is a
right for all children, both boys and girls, in Papua New Guinea as stated in the National Constitution. A
basic education is essential for the personal development of all people to provide them with the skills and
knowledge to improve their quality of life.
Application form that is required to be submitted to apply for an environment permit for any project within Papua New Guinea
Biodiversity Implementation and Monitoring Program
Marine datasets from FAO
Sharks conservation