WWF PNG Ecoregions
Application form that is required to be submitted to apply for an environment permit for any project within Papua New Guinea
Biodiversity Implementation and Monitoring Program
Marine datasets from FAO
Sharks conservation
Sea cucumber in Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea is committed to Sustainable Development through its StaRS Strategy and Vision 2050. PNG has also signed up to Rio Conventions and supplement agreements and protocols which needs monitoring and evaluation. Sustainable Development Goals are very important as it simplifies the Sustainable Development approaches.
A method for assessing effectiveness in Papua New Guinea’s protected areas
Forestry and climate change
Global Conservation Status of Turtles and Tortoises
Conservation Status of Marine Biodiversity in Oceania.
IUCN Taxanomy list
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is a conservation NGO working globallly and in PNG
Papua New Guinea terrestrial-vertebrate richness
Climate change and Marine
A strategy for the conservation of biodiversity on mid-ocean ridges
This report contributes to the development of a marine gap analysis for Papua New Guinea’s marine area. ” The gap analysis identifies conservation priorities throughout Papua New Guinea’s marine area to inform protected area
planning, environmental impact assessment and other biodiversity conservation interventions.
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Mining and oil and gas
Background information