PNG Country Report was published in 2006 or earlier. Reports the progress on mangrove wetland protection and sustainable use of these areas in PNG
Here we analyze rainfall data for the New Guinea region comprising station observations, reanalysis products and satellite-based estimates in order to better understand some of these details. We find that most gridded products are limited due to their relatively coarse horizontal resolutions that fail to resolve topographic effects. However, the relatively fine resolution TRMM satellite–based product appears to provide reliable estimates and linear correlations between the data and the NINO34 sea surface temperature index provides an insight into the pattern of ENSO rainfall impacts.
It's more than a decade but the issue of reporting on MDG now SDG has become more than
a challenge.
1. Extracting of Data and Overlaying Issues
2. Internal CEPA Databases
It is the National Integrated Water Resource Management Diagnostic Report Papua New Guinea. A Draft SOPAC Miscellaneous Report 643 involving GEF, UNDP, SOPAC and UNEP. demonstration project and production of a full brief through an extensive consultative process.
PNG roads: these spatial datasets provide the delimitation of primary, secondary and tertiary roads and tracks in Papua New Guinea. The OSM dataset includes attribute information includes OSM id and road names in English where known and comprehensive track network for the mainland. This dataset can be complemented by the National Mapping Bureau (NMB) (2000) dataset. The NMB dataset includes comprehensive road network in both mainland and non-mainland districts and road surface attributes. Source: Open Street Map; Papua New Guinea National Mapping Bureau. Contributor: OCHA ROAP.
In Papua New Guinea, interviews were conducted remotely with participants from government departments, agencies and contractors addressing issues of environmental protection, waste management, legal matters, as well as the private sector and NGOs.
Additional interviews were conducted with external consultants and SPREP staff working on specific programs relevant to the Waste Legislative Review.
Dolphins and whales of Bismarch sea
The impacts of human-induced environmental change that characterize the Anthropocene are not felt equally across the globe. In the tropics, the potential for the sudden collapse of ecosystems in response to multiple interacting pressures has been of increasing concern in ecological and conservation research. The tropical ecosystems of Papua New Guinea are areas of diverse rainforest flora and fauna, inhabited by human populations that are equally diverse, both culturally and linguistically.
The 2020 State of Environment Report is the first for Papua New Guinea.
Documents on PNG's Lae Port Development Project.
Esso Highlands Limited (Esso) proposes to develop the Papua New Guinea Liquefied Natural Gas Project
(PNG LNG Project) in a co-venture with other participants. Esso (as project operator) will produce and condition gas from new and existing petroleum fields in the Southern Highlands and Western provinces of Papua New Guinea, send the conditioned gas by pipeline across Gulf Province and the Gulf of Papua to a 6.3-Mtpa LNG Plant in Central Province, liquefy the gas, and load it onto LNG carriers for export. The project will also produce condensate for export.
Main Report describing the physical, chemical and biological environment of Misima Island and the possible impacts of development on the area
This report provides an overview of Nautilus, undersea mining in Papua New Guinea, and M·CAM recommendations for impact minimization and long-term value optimization. This report compiles information available in the public domain so attribution and conclusions drawn therefrom are predicated solely on the accuracy thereof.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA –Millennium Development Goals Second National Progress
Comprehensive Report for Papua New Guinea 2010
Assessing the Capacity of Papua New Guinea to Implement the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD), the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
1km gridded DEM for PNG
1km gridded Temperature map - interpolation over DEM. Temperature data scattered well except Western and Southern Highlands Provinces. With the Digicel Towers (mounted with rainfall instruments) network nation-wide. The Temperature Map can be improved.
The coral reefs in PNG are mostly located to the north and east coast of the country and lie within the ‘coral
triangle’ that includes eastern Indonesia, the Philippines, eastern Malaysia, Timor Leste and the Solomon Islands.
The coral triangle is a global centre of marine biodiversity and has very high conservation value.
This report documents the status, economies and management of corals -