The Conservation and Environment Protection Authority (CEPA) staff undergo a three day environment data portal training in Port Moresby from 26-28 October, 2020. The portal was established by CEPA with funding received from the United Nation Environmental Program (UNEP) through the Secratariat of Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP). The purpose of the training was to upskill the staff on the importance of data sharing, storage, and polulating for transparency and planning purposes . Presentation was made by Messrs Richard Balone (ICT manager), Gerard Natera (GIS manager) and Biatus Bito (National Coordinator, PNG Inform Project). A vitrual presentation was also made by Peter McDonald (Manager, Monitoring and governance) of SPREP.
Mr Maino Virobo (Director of Policy, Monitoring and Evaluation) who is overseeing the project within CEPA states that the Data Portal is a cheaper and best avenue for storing huge datasets. These datasets can be stored as private, shared or public. The challenge is now on all staff and their supervisors to share datasets or acquire it from other agencies through a Memorandum of Understanding arrangements.. Mr Virobo states that from our recent analysis of the data hits over the last two years (2018-2020), we have received a significant number of users visiting our portal. This indicates to me that this portal is very useful and a good source of information for all, both within PNG and abroad.