60 results
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Sand reef species list

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Regional data on marine pollution: observer pollution events. Marine pollution from ships and waste incidents per country in the Pacific region. Waste composition includes: general garbage, plastics, old fishing gears, metals, waste oils, chemicals.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority,  PNG Department of National Planning & Monitoring

Data useful for SDG Reporting using DevInfo / PNGInfo.
National Statistics Office (NSO) are the Custodians of the Dataset

This raw data was generated from the 2015 Urban Local Level Government Workshop held in Port Moresby, PNG from the participants presentations.

This dataset contains information on plastic and other waste in the Pacific Island region, and it was provided by the author of the related article: *Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean*.

Downloaded from IUCN redlist using country and redlist category (extinct, critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable) filters

GIS file (geojson) with marine pollution observations (points) in PNG.

Common Sand reef flat marine organisms in the Pacific Island Countries.