122 results

This dataset contains GIS data (raster and shapefiles) for the local threats to coral reefs: coastal development, integrated local, marine pollution, overfishing, and watershed pollution.

Zip file containing NetCDF files for both zonal and meridional current velocities (meters/second) for 5 day temporal resolution for the years 2000-2019 in the WGS84 coordinate system (EPSG:4326).

This dataset contains rasters and a metadata file for global mean monthly sea surface temperature (°C) from 2010-2019. Rasters are in WGS84 coordinate system (EPSG 4326). Sea surface temperature is the temperature of the top millimeter of the ocean's surface. Sea surface temperatures influence weather, including hurricanes, as well as plant and animal life in the ocean. Like Earth's land surface, sea surface temperatures are warmer near the equator and colder near the poles. Currents like giant rivers move warm and cold water around the world's oceans.

This dataset contains rasters and a metadata file for global mean monthly ocean chlorophyll concentration (mg/m3) from 2010-2019. Rasters are in WGS84 coordinate system (EPSG 4326) . Chlorophyll-a is the light-harvesting pigment found in all photosynthetic plants. Its concentration in the ocean is used as an index of phytoplankton biomass and, as such, is a key input to primary productivity models.

Link to download a zip file containing OSM spatial files, a QGIS project, styles, license file and documentation on how to get started.

Link to download a zip file containing OSM spatial files, a QGIS project, styles, license file and documentation on how to get started.

Link to download a zip file containing OSM spatial files, a QGIS project, styles, license file and documentation on how to get started.

Link to download a zip file containing OSM spatial files, a QGIS project, styles, license file and documentation on how to get started.

This raw data was generated from the 2015 Urban Local Level Government Workshop held in Port Moresby, PNG from the participants presentations.

This dataset contains information on plastic and other waste in the Pacific Island region, and it was provided by the author of the related article: *Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean*.