80 results

This raw data was generated from the 2015 Urban Local Level Government Workshop held in Port Moresby, PNG from the participants presentations.

This dataset contains information on plastic and other waste in the Pacific Island region, and it was provided by the author of the related article: *Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean*.

Downloaded from IUCN redlist using country and redlist category (extinct, critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable) filters

Obtained from data downloaded from www.iucn.redlist.org using data filtering ( extinct, critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable)

PNG forest cover loss at 30% tree cover sourced from www.globalforestwatch.org

Common Sand reef flat marine organisms in the Pacific Island Countries.

General Information on Pacific Island Countries Rock shores, algae and trees.

End of SPREP internship presentation, July 2015. Sections: climate finance challenges, overview of climate finance in the Pacific, and next steps.

PowerPoint presentation on the Inform project.

PowerPoint presentation on the building blocks and features of the environment data portals.

PowerPoint presentation with tips on good practices, when uploading data to the environment data portals.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Reefs at Risk Revisited is a high-resolution update of the original global analysis, Reefs at Risk: A Map-Based Indicator of Threats to the World’s Coral Reefs. Reefs at Risk Revisited uses a global map of coral reefs at 500-m resolution, which is 64 times more detailed than the 4-km resolution map used in the 1998 analysis, and benefits from improvements in many global data sets used to evaluate threats to reefs (most threat data are at 1 km resolution, which is 16 times more detailed than those used in the 1998 analysis).