73 results
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Main Report describing the physical, chemical and biological environment of Misima Island and the possible impacts of development on the area

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

PAPUA NEW GUINEA –Millennium Development Goals Second National Progress
Comprehensive Report for Papua New Guinea 2010

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

InforMEA provides easy access to information on Multilateral Environmental Agreements. It is an initiative facilitated by the United Nations Environment Programme and supported by the European Union. It seeks to develop Inter-operable information systems for the benefit of the (MEA) Parties and the environment community at large.
This dataset provides direct links to:
1. "Pacific Islands" - related data on the InforMEA portal. For country-specific information, please type *name of country* on the InforMEA portal search tool.
2. Free online courses

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The UN Biodiversity Lab is an online platform that allows policymakers and other partners to access global data layers, upload and manipulate their own datasets, and query multiple datasets to provide key information on the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and nature-based Sustainable Development Goals.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Summarizes the findings to date, and places them in a regional and historical context. Discusses the SEAFRAME gauge in Manus Island, Papua New Guinea, which records sea level, air and water temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction. It is one of an array designed to monitor changes in sea level and climate in the Pacific.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

It is a Pre-Workshop In Country Review For Papua New Guinea 19th-23rd October 1999 in Nadi, Fiji Islands. Collaboration between NDMO, PNG NWS and Water Resources

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

A list of international and regional multilateral environmental agreements in which each of the Pacific Island country is a party/signatory of. This is useful for SPREP activities and planning

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority,   National Fisheries Authority of Papua New Guinea ,  PNG Forestry Authority,  PNG Department of National Planning & Monitoring,  PNG Department of Works & Implementation,  PNG Department of Agriculture and Livestock,  Climate Change and Development Authority in PNG

Climate change and migration

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Presentation on the Pacific's national environment data portals

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority,  PNG Forestry Authority,  PNG Department of National Planning & Monitoring,  PNG Department of Works & Implementation,  PNG Department of Agriculture and Livestock,  PNG Mineral Resources Authority,  Climate Change and Development Authority in PNG,  Papua New Guinea Forest Industries Association (Inc),  PNG Department of Lands and Physical Planning

This report stems from a simple observation: that since Independence in 1975, Papua New Guinea’s economic and social development outcomes have not matched people’s aspirations or government promises. Indeed, despite the abundance of its riches, PNG lags behind its Pacific neighbours on many important development indicators.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Linkages of GEF Goals, PNG's Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Sustainable Development Goals which are within the administration of CEPA.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Linkages of GE Goals, PNG's Multilateral Environmental Agreements, Sustainable Development Goals and Aichi Targets

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Wafi-Golpu Joint Venture (WGJV) Copper-Gold Project; Environment Impact Statement (EIS) submitted to PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority for Regulatory Approvals.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Papua New Guinea has large tracts of intact mangrove forest with a high species diversity extending over many thousands of shore kilometers and, in many regions, penetrating quite deeply inland.
Mangrove ecosystem is very useful and critical to PNG coastal communities. Its uses ranges from carbon sequestration, buffers coastlines against storm surges and sea level rise, breeding ground for fisheries, building, firewood, medicinal purposes to name a few.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

A list of datasets identified in the training workshop

 SPREP Environmental Monitoring and Governance (EMG)

Dataset includes various regional-scale spatial data layers in geojson format.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This dataset hosts 31 individual environmental indicator assessments that are in the **State of Environment and Conservation in the Pacific Islands : 2020 Regional report.**

Regional indicators are used to understand the current status of conservation in the region and to establish a process for periodic reviews of the status of biodiversity and implementation of environmental management measures in the Pacific islands region.

Each Pacific regional indicator is assessed with regard to:

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This dataset holds all media resources for the State of Environment and Conservation in the Pacific Islands: 2020 Regional Report

 SPREP Environmental Monitoring and Governance (EMG)

This publication ‘Strategic Environmental Assessment – Guidelines for Pacific Island Countries and
Territories’ has been prepared to provide guidance on the application of SEA as a tool to support
environmental planning, policy and informed decision making. It provides background on the use and
benefits of SEA as well as providing tips and guiding steps on the process, including case studies, toolkits
and checklists for conducting an SEA in the Appendices.
