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 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

This report was produced by SPREP’s International Waters Project which has two main components. The oceanic component focuses on the management and conservation of tuna stocks in the western central Pacific. The focus of the coastal component is on integrated coastal watershed management.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority,   National Fisheries Authority of Papua New Guinea ,  University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG),  PNG Forestry Authority,  Climate Change and Development Authority in PNG

The project Mangrove Rehabilitation for Sustainably Managed Healthy Forests (MARSH) commenced on October 1st 2012 and ended on September 30th 2015. The project was initially supposed to be implemented over five years in Papua New Guinea (PNG), Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. In the first quarter of Year 3 the donor decided to change the focus from community based to national interventions for greater impact and to limit the rest of the activities of the third year to PNG alone. The project life span was thus shortened and there was nothing started in Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

PNG Country Report was published in 2006 or earlier. Reports the progress on mangrove wetland protection and sustainable use of these areas in PNG

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority,  National Fisheries Authority of Papua New Guinea,  PNG Forestry Authority,  Climate Change and Development Authority in PNG

In Papua New Guinea (PNG), many coastal communities depend on mangroves for their livelihood. Mangrove trees have been harvested over generations for construction materials and firewood. Mangroves provide a habitat for fish, crabs, shellfish, birds, and reptiles. Mangroves also provide a natural defense against storm surges, coastal erosion, and coastal flooding. An analysis conducted by government’s limate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) has highlighted community-based mangrove planting as a cost-effective measure for coastal communities.
